Sunday, December 22, 2013

STL priority queue

The STL priority queue is similar to the standard STL queue but tehre are some differences.

As you can see, as in teh standard queue, in priority queue you can push elements to the queue but when you are taking out the frint element you will get the biggest element. That is why it is called PRIORITY queue.
 Prirority queue is being declared like this

priority_queue<int> q;

Functions of priority queue

This boolean function will return you the boolea value "true" if the queue has no elements otherwise it will return the boolean value "false".

This function removes the biggest element in queue in O( log(N) times here N is the size of the queue.

q.push( int X)
This function will add the elmene X to teh queue.

This function return the length of the queue AKA the size.
This function return the biggest element in the queue in O(logN) time where N is the size of the queue.

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't the time complexity of function be O(1) ??
