Wednesday, December 18, 2013

SPOJ 10232. Distinct Primes

This task can be done using a simple implementation . Just find all the primes, for numbers buy multiplying 3 primes and then for each numbed found , multpily it again with the same primes we used from the beginning, and then when we got a list, we can sort it and we are ready to read the input and output the asnwer right away. But first for doing this we need to make sure that for n=1000 the number needed won't be too great. 
The primes are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37.41 Our initial numebrs are going to be made by multiplying 3 different primes. It is not hard to notice that the 1000 th number is not going to be formed with a greater number then 41. So we can be sure that a simple  brute force solution will pas the time limit easily.


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