Friday, March 14, 2014

SPOJ 3885. Coins Game

We need to solve this  problem dynamically meaning building the solution for A[i] based on the previous findings. Let us have an array A where A[i] shows the answer for i coins. The array is a boolean array where "true" means that the first player won and "false" means that the second player won. Initially a[1]=true becasue if there is only 1 coin then the winner is the first one for sure and let us have a[0]=false meaning that second one wins when there are no coins at all because the first one can't make a move. Now for every next I if A[i-1] is false then for sure a[i] is going to be true. (because if there are B coins and the winner is the second that means that when there are B+1, B+L, or B+K coins the winner will be the first because we are kind of adding one more move to the total game which changes the outcome).


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