Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bitwise operator & (and)

The operator & is another bitwise operator int C++. For making let's call the bits names. 0-false and 1 -true.
First let's look at an example
Let's remember the logical operator if. Just like the && (and) operator in if , the bitwise operator & (and) has the same meaning. When we had a conditional operator if and 2 conditions in it .
Let's have a loot at this chart
for operator && in if statement
    condition 1   condition 2     result
          false            false           false
          true             false           false
          false            true            false
          true             true            true
So basically , if both of the conditions are true => the if statement is true otherwise its false. Just like && the operator & does the same but with bits.

for bitwise operator &
      bit1    bit2    result
         0       0         0
         1       0         0
         0       1         0
         1       1         1

Remember that 0 stands for false and 1 stands for true
 So in our example from the beginning , when we perform the operator & we get


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